Engineering Fund

About the Engineering Fund

Platform strategy – An unlisted holding company

An Integrated Engineering Group, where companies can retain their own blueprint but gain knowledge, expertise and access to new markets and products.

Companies will gain significant benefits and key strategic input. BEE will add benefits to those that are not adequately empowered.

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Engineering Sector Niches


Health and Safety Improvement

Smart technology solutions that minimise the probability of accidents leading to human injury, loss of human life and unavailability of productive assets.

Productivity Improvement

Technology solutions to ensure effective management operating systems,  waste elimination, variability reduction, and asset productivity improvement through advanced reliability and maintenance approaches. Innovation, Digitisation, and Data Mining for informed forecasting and planning.

Weather Risk Management

Technology businesses that provide value to operations by enabling access to real time local weather intelligence and actionable, accurate weather data insights inherently deriving from weather data analytics capability.


Water, Energy, Transportation and Telecommunications. Smart technologies to improve water and energy utilisation, transportation fuel consumption and fleet management, and telecommunications voice and data usage.

Asset / Mobile Workforce Management

Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses in the Strategic Asset Management (SAM), Mobile Workforce Management (MWM), Fleet Data Technologies and Fuel Management Solutions (FMS) spaces.


Businesses in the engineering space with the organisational core competence underpinned by Real Time Data Acquisition & Management, Systems Engineering and Engineering Technology Integration.

Our Investment Criteria

Vested Management

The companies we invest in must have a vested management team. If the team is not vested we can look at ways in which to leverage them into the deal.


Companies we invest in must have an earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of R40m and up to R250m plus.

Engineering Based

The fund focuses on engineering businesses as per the sectors above.

Ethics & People

Ethics and business principles are at the forefront of all our investment decisions. It is crucial that there is a meeting of minds with the investee company’s executives and our executive team.

Why Partner With Raise?

Group Structure Benefits

We combine our skills and network to identify excellent opportunities.

Creating an H. Co gluing together individually successful companies, where the H. Co Executives can identify and enable:

  • Cross Selling opportunities.
  • Upselling opportunities.
  • Customer stickiness / lock-in.
  • Market penetration and expansion.
  • Product, solutions and services innovations.
  • Inter-company value creation, capturing and delivery.
  • Integration of expertise, knowledge and experience.
  • Organisational core competence underpinned by Real Time Data Acquisition, Systems Engineering and Engineering Technology Integration.
Engineering Fund

Strategic Benefits


- Safety and productivity improvement
- Business Intelligence
- Economic Value Add
- Long-term strong OEM brands leverage
- Long term supply chain relationships leverage
- Strong BEE credentials leverage
- Enlarged active marketing & sales surface area
- Corporate governance/compliance
- Expansion of geographic points-of-presence / hub-and-spoke approach
- Economies of scale advantage
- Exploration of own potential and aspirations
- Opportunity to leverage existing and new relationships